SIB# 396- Chronic Low Back Pain and Physical Activity

The Study:   Non-specific chronic low back pain and physical activity: A comparison of postural control and hip muscle isometric strength: A cross-sectional study  

The Facts:

a. Postural control and strength have not received the research needed in relation to a sedentary life style.

b. The authors sought to determine if reduced physical activity affected muscular strength and postural control in individuals who suffered from non-specific chronic low back pain.

c. 24 subjects with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) were in the study.

d. Subjects were divided into 4 groups with 12 subjects in each group.

e. The groups consisted of active and non-active healthy control groups and active and non-active groups with NSCLBP.

f. Each group was evaluated for hip muscle strength and postural control.

g. “…postural control was not significantly different between active individuals with and without NSCLBP.”

h. “…inactive individuals with NSCLBP exhibited diminished postural control compared to age-matched inactive healthy controls.”

i.  “Postural control and hip strength were independently related to physical activity behavior.”

j. The authors noted that encouraging inactive persons to be more active might produce positive effects.

k. Increased hip strength might improve lumbopelvic stability with benefits both interms of reduced low back pain symptoms and reduced risk of falling.

l. The authors also acknowledged that other muscle groups might well be involved and should also be “addressed”.

Take Home:

Simply increasing physical activity and muscular strength in a reasonable manner might well be beneficial to this type of patient.

Reviewer's Comments:

This seems quite logical. I would venture that most clinicians understand there can often be value in coupling a thoughtful exercise program with other methods of care.  I’m pretty sure that most readers of this column are already doing this but it’s always good to see additional studies related to the subject.

Reviewer:  Roger Coleman DC

Editor: Mark R. Payne DC

Reference: Muhsen B. Alsufiany, Everett B. Lohman, Noha S. Daher, Gina R. Gang, Amjad I. Shallan, Hatem M. Jaber. Non-specific chronic low back pain and physical activity: A comparison of postural control and hip muscle isometric strength: A cross-sectional study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Jan;99(5):e18544. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000018544.

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Mark R. Payne DC